Posted by: Morgan | January 21, 2011

The blog I found on a library shelf

In the past month I have really jumped into the blogosphere, aided greatly by my setting up subscriptions on Google Reader. I had found that I had several that I enjoyed reading when I saw them featured in Facebook posts, but couldn’t keep track of all of them or where to find them when a post link wasn’t available. I’m currently following 30 blog, ranging from mamas comically journaling their daily lives, to DIY-ers making me excited about what it may be like to someday be a homeowner, over to artsy-fartsy types who want to share their myriad of ideas with the world. Whenever I find a new blog that captures my interest, I add the URL to my subscriptions. If I ever find myself losing interest in a blog, I can simply just remove the subscription from my Reader (although that’s only happened once, so far). And for the blogs that I specifically love, I’m slowly sharing those with you, my five readers (seriously, sometimes I really wonder how many of you are out there. My stats only give me hits, not individual readers…hmmm).

The next blog I want to introduce you to is one I did not discover online. I found Orangette at the library, in fact. I was chasing Emma up and down the long aisles between Science Fiction and Historical Autobiographies, picking at books that sparked my interest as I walked by. As I turned the corner between J-L and M-O, I saw this book, definitely in the wrong place, just leaning up against a bookend, looking super cute. As my daughter rounded the corner out of sight, I picked the book up. Suddenly, from behind me, a female voice said “That’s a wonderful book”. I turned and thanked the random woman, then tucked the book under my arm and dashed after Emma’s shrieks four aisles down. In an odd moment of free-time, I curled up in a blanket on the recliner and started to read. I was delighted immediately by Molly’s passion for food and family, and how those two things were paired in her mind so strongly. Every chapter had a new story of life and the recipe that went along with it. Her writing style was simple and sweet, and I actually found myself wanting to try to make the foods she spoke of.

After a couple days of reading through it, I happened to read the back cover. In the little biography part, it was mentioned that she had a blog, which was where the book truly started. I immediately went over to the laptop and pulled up the site. Pretty much everything I loved about the book was sitting there online. She doesn’t post daily, or even weekly, but I love it when her updates show on my blog feed. Every post is accompanied by polaroids that she takes of her food and kitchen, which I absolutely love, and a recipe that makes the core of her story. She’s very unassuming, even to the point that her URL still has .blogspot in it. I love that she didn’t feel the need to make it all about her, but just simply wants to keep a journal of something she loves, food.

I encourage you to introduce yourself to Molly through her blog, but I also recommend picking up her book at your local library. I promise it will make you smile, which is always good.


  1. So this is totally not about that blog (which I will check out later, but am in desperate need of a shower) but wanted to post before I forgot… Have you ever read “Hidden Art” by Edith Schaeffer? She was Francis Schaeffer’s wife – a pretty well-known Christian speaker/missionary who moved their family to Switzerland from a comfortable pastor’s life in the south right after WWII… anyways, she has a few books out, and I love all of the ones I have read. “Hidden Art” came to mind because of your desire to make a house “someday” as a homeowner… but I love this book because it gives really practical ideas and REASONS how and why to do that no matter whether we’re living in a hotel, apartment, tent, or mansion. And it’s not just about making a home for your family, although that’s probably the central application I take from it these days- it’s about thinking through the talents and skills God has blessed you with and putting them to use for His glory, for His kingdom no matter what stage of life you are in. It’s one of those books I frequently pick up and read a chapter from – if you can find it cheap on or free from the library, I would say it’s worth every penny…

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