Posted by: Morgan | December 23, 2010

Living right now

It’s been a really hard day. Day two of being a “single” parent is now over. It was a fairly intense day, emotionally, physically and psychologically, but I feel so comfortable and peaceful right now. I had to come take some time to write this down, so I can come back and remember God’s faithfulness to bring His peace to me.

Last night Logan slept a solid 7 hours, but he went to sleep quite a few hours before Emma did, so I didn’t get to take advantage of that long period of time. This evening he was out at six, and I was worried I would be going through another tough night. So far, though, God has shown me mercy. Logan woke up around eight, but both he and Emma were in wonderful moods for the rest of the evening. About thirty minutes ago she started having a hard time dealing with life, so we bundled up and went to bed. It was almost dreamlike how easily, peacefully and fast they both went to sleep.

Even if he wakes up in two hours, I want to remember to live in the now. And now is peaceful and beautiful. And I’m going to go to sleep. Today I learned a lot, about myself and my place in my life. It’s been a good day.

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